We’ve spent thousands curating resources for you to stay ahead of your competition.
7 Quotes on Legal Data Analytics: Measuring Success
Your law firm generates data. Fact. You have two choices. You can ignore that data and get no advantage, or you can analyze it and get better at running your firm as a business. Legal data analytics are a path to more clients, more profits, and a better all-around law...
Four Hot Software Programs for Social Media Marketing
Pushing out frequent engaging social media posts is a big part of today’s law firm marketing. If you aren’t posting loads of short video content, you are losing out to your competitors. Today’s prospective clients are looking for quick posts that capture their...
Everything Lawyers Need to Know about Email Compliance: The CAN-SPAM Act
As social media grows, one might think email is dead, but that's far from the truth! Email marketing is a powerful and profitable tool for law firms. It is another way to remind your clients and prospects about your services, new updates, verdicts, changes in law,...
Two Easy Tips To Sign More Cases without Spending A Dime
You work hard to make the phone ring and the last thing you need is to lose these valuable potential sign-ups. But lose them you will unless you are monitoring and tracking your dropped calls. In a perfect world, your Intake staff will promptly answer every single...
Top Management Strategies for Law Firm Owners: How to Hire and Retain Talented Staff and Lawyers in Today’s Market
Learn more about these top for law firm management strategies owners Seminal moments in history define the times and change the landscape permanently. Before and after. Before 9/11 and after. Before Pearl Harbor and after. Before and after Hurricane Katrina. Before...
How to Retain Your Best Employees
I get a lot of questions on staff retention strategies in my work with clients. Many of the topics I have written about previously actually support retentions strategies. In other words, when you’re hiring right, getting new staff started off right and have great...
4 Simple Steps to Tighten Your Law Firm’s Processes & “Lean” Into Increased Income
The “Lean” management methodology is all about continuous improvement. It was popularized by Toyota and other manufacturers, but can be applied to any business – even those that provide services, such as law firms. It recommends focusing on your firm as a system and...
How to Venture a New Legal Niche
Serving a legal niche can be incredibly beneficial for law firms because they can differentiate themselves from competitors and drive more customers to your business. In today's competitive arena, firms are looking for new business branches and ways to stand out,...