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The meteoric rise of OTT (over the top) advertising has revolutionized the way people consume content and single-handedly changed the television landscape. We commonly hear about cord cutters, individuals and households who are canceling their subscriptions to the cable services that have dominated the U.S. for decades. They’re leaving cable because of services like Hulu, Netflix, and Prime, the Goliath brands of the streaming world. They’re also leaving cable to gain more control.

This massive shift in television has led to changes in lifestyles and viewing patterns while redefining an industry. In the world of marketing, this shift has made a lot of brands very happy but also frustrated countless marketers.

Let’s talk about the latter. Specifically, let’s discuss what OTT can deliver for law firms and the pitfalls of considering OTT as an equal to good old-fashioned broadcast television.


“Over the top” refers to services that allow you to watch video content or programming without a cable subscription. Services such as Hulu, Netflix, Pluto, are just a few that have become household names. The beauty of OTT is that you can watch these platforms through several tools: mobile devices, laptops, and traditional TVs. With television, you’ll need a Firestick, Roku device, or a smart TV, which will have the OTT application pre-loaded. Fear not, you can load your favorite OTT app should it not be pre-loaded. For more detailed info on OTT and CTV (that smart TV thing), visit our blogs page where we lay it all down.


Now let’s talk about broadcast. Since it’s been on the scene for almost 100 years, there’s not a lot about it that people don’t already know. From an ad agency’s perspective, broadcast is the greatest reach channel out there—it’s consumed by over 100 million homes in the U.S. Broadcast encapsulates sight, sound, emotion, and urgency and can deliver a powerful call to action.

Another thing about broadcast—it built the personal injury legal marketing machine. For decades, TV buys on ABC, CBS, FOX, etc. have built law firm brands, made phones ring, and increased monthly case volume. And broadcast did so single-handedly in those early decades.


It’s natural to think the evolution towards OTT would also bring rewards and riches to those who follow. It has the same creative production and same sight and sound. But it’s even better due to advanced audience segmentation and tracking. Yet, here you are, scratching your heads wondering why your precious law firm marketing investment in OTT isn’t generating a lift in monthly calls or signed case volume. If this is you, keep calm and read on. I’ll explain what we at Roux Advertising are seeing firsthand and what we’re hearing from other U.S. firms and brands across all marketing categories.


There are significant indicators that position OTT to replace broadcast. In 2023 alone, 2.3 million cable or cord customers cut the cord. Subscribers to the big-name streaming services (Hulu, Prime, Netflix) continue to grow (Hulu experienced a 7.7% growth from 2021 to 2022). This is where you ask, “So why isn’t the phone ringing at my law firm?” Truth is, what makes OTT so great is arguably its Achilles heel. Well, two Achilles heels.

The growth of OTT is like other emerging industries. A lot of players jump on the scene quickly. The household names mentioned above have a solid grasp. Then add in Disney (Disney+), NBC (Peacock), Prime Video, Paramount, Pluto, Crackle, Starz, plus dozens, if not hundreds, of others. All these options lead to one thing: fragmentation. To get the true “broadcast” experience from an OTT media buy, you must purchase a lot of platforms, which no one is doing—not even the big CPG (consumer packaged goods) brands like Proctor & Gamble. So, your OTT integration, while it looks like broadcast, doesn’t come close; you’re not attaining the same reach had you gone with a broadcast TV buy.

The second Achilles heel of OTT for legal marketing is the viewing experience. Gone are the days of linear programming and viewing, where networks and affiliates created pre-determined programming schedules. The beauty of OTT for the consumer is they can watch what they want when they want, on their time, in their window, to their preference. Consumers are now in control, and they are not afraid to use it to their advantage.

How this impacts your legal marketing strategy is seen in your prospective clients who are not willing to interrupt that control, that custom viewing experience, to pick up the phone and call your law firm. It just won’t happen. This is counter to what has been demonstrated for decades in broadcast. And for that reason, OTT—in its current state—will never replace broadcast when it comes to making the phone ring at your law firm.


OTT has been proven to be an ineffective direct response tactic. Consumers will not respond to or act on it immediately. Therefore, if calls are what you’re seeking, you will be unhappy with the return of OTT. Instead, consider it a branding tool, one that can reach a very specific group of potential customers, albeit a small portion within your market. While you might not be thinking about branding for your law firm, I promise that it matters and is very important.

Remember the customer journey—how people make decisions during the purchase process. Initially they have no need for your legal services. At some point, a trigger creates a need—perhaps a car accident injury—at which time your brand needs to be front and center. That is when you want potential clients to consider your firm and ultimately choose your firm. OTT in its current state will excel in those early stages of brand establishment. It’s a solid tactic that grows brand familiarity and supports broader, more impactful tactics within your law firm’s marketing efforts.

Should you want to accelerate the reach of your legal marketing, add more OTT services. There are plenty of platforms that have solid subscriber numbers. Start with those whose subscribers mirror your current customer base. Be forewarned, despite the platforms being lesser-known brands, running ads on them will still cost a pretty penny and be more expensive than traditional broadcast television stations.

While all indicators say to buy digital video via OTT, make sure you understand what you’re using it for, and more importantly, what you’re getting out of it. Simultaneously, before you jump into the deep end of OTT, please confirm that all other tactics on your advertising plan, those that do make the phone ring, are being utilized to their fullest potential. Only then should you turn to OTT.

Want to learn more about OTT and how to make it work for you? Call us or visit to learn about fitting OTT into your legal marketing strategy. Ask us for a formal plan on how it can grow your law firm.

About Roux Advertising

Eric Morgan is the President of Roux Advertising, a full-service agency that specializes in increasing law firm case volume through distinctive marketing and media campaigns. Roux employs a strategy-first approach to position law firms uniquely in the marketplace, crafting ad messaging, media buying, and analytics to generate brand awareness and drive qualified cases. Contact him at or visit to learn more.