Jossline also values the: “Relationships [they’ve] created with fellow members.” Her advise to those wanting to get the most out of their PILMMA membership: “Implement the new ideas and don’t wait until you have time. Hire the people you need to implement the great ideas. Use the List-serve and attend all events.”
In recommending the PILMMA Mastermind program, Jossline had this to say:
“If you are not a member you are making a costly mistake that you are not aware you are making. Firm revenue will increase with just a single idea learned from this group. The contacts you make with fellow members and vendors will not only save you money but will make you money!”
If you’d like more information on PILMMA Masterminds Membership, and whether there is an opening in YOUR market, just go to
IF you want to hear MORE about how a Mastermind program can give you laser focus in developing your own successful marketing plans, come to the 2019 PILMMA Super Summit, June 23-25, 2019 at the Ritz Carlton in New Orleans. Mastermind members will be sharing the successful strategies they have developed, and you will be able to talk to some of our PILMMA Masterminds one-on-one, to see if it’s a fit for you and your firm. Seats for this year’s Super Summit are going FAST. For more info or to register, just go to