Episode 73:

How to Use Data to Get More Leads, with Adam Lundquist

When former Santa Barbara radio shock jock, Adam Lundquist, published one of his radio interviews on a newly-formed internet platform called YouTube, he became one of the first ever viral video creators. This sparked his initial interest in the power of the internet, as well as leveraging the internet as a marketing platform.

Adam has been featured on traditional media like MTV, VH1, and the Best Damn Sports Show. He’s taken his knowledge of traditional media and translated it successfully into new media as a featured author in Search Engine Journal, PPC Hero, and WordStream, amongst others.

Today, Adam is the founder of digital marketing agency Nerds Do It Better, where he takes his media knowledge to even greater heights, delivering consistent and cost-effective paid search campaigns for companies around the world. He and his team excel at putting their clients’ brands in front of the right eyes at the right time, with the right message, on the right device.

Utilizing an advanced ROI-driven statistical analysis methodology developed at Harvard (Adam’s alma mater), Nerds Do It Better develops elegant strategies for their clients to leverage every available channel in interacting with potential customers. Adam collaborates with each of his clients to design a customized strategy aligned with their unique business goals, removing inefficiencies in their marketing efforts.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • The elements of data that you should be tracking with any digital marketing campaign
  • Why the cost-per-click for lawyers is more expensive than most other professions
  • The difference between keywords and search queries
  • Small variations in landing pages that can make a big difference in the success of your digital marketing
  • Click-to-call on Google vs. top-slot ranking
  • Google quality score: what is it and how can it affect your cost-per-click
  • How to get granular with your data


Additional Resources:

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