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Become The “Go-To” Lawyer In Your Market with your Very Own BOOK!


PILMMA’s “Done-for-You” Book makes it easy to have a powerful Book You’ve written in just a couple of hours!

These books are Easy to Customize and are Proven to help you Double your Referrals and Start Converting 80% of Your Undecided Prospects!

CALL 1-800-497-1890 or email us at info@pilmma.org

For more information contact us today!

PILMMA President and Founder, Ken Hardison, explains why a book is right for you!
A free webinar that will answer many of your questions about the program.

Why a Book Works:

  • Books help you stand out from your Competition.
  • Books help You become “ THE Authority” and EXPERT in your Field (without even calling yourself an expert).
  • Books give you increased Credibility and Celebrity Power.
  • Books give you easy, free publicity.
  • Books bring quality prospects to your law firm.
  • Books help you Convert 80% of your ON-the-Fence Prospects!
  • Books are EVERGREEN… and can be easily passed from one potential client to another!

How to Leverage YOUR BOOK to get MORE Clients:

  • Use a BOOK, so that you can have a High Impact LEAD Magnet for your Website or landing page!
  • Use a Book, so that You have Facebook ads that Capture Attention and Drive Traffic to YOU!
  • Use a Book, so that You can DOUBLE your Referrals!
  • Share YOUR Books with Professional Referral Sources so you can Reach MORE Prospects with Legitimacy!
  • Use YOUR Book in TV ads and Infomercials as a High Interest High Value Giveaway!
  • Give them to Prospective Clients in your Shock and Awe Packages so you can Differentiate yourself from your Competition!
It’s quick and easy- even for busy lawyers!

Let’s face it. Who has time to write a book when you are running a law firm?

PILMMA’s “Done-for-You” books let you write a book that’s yours, without having to “write” the whole book- We’ve done most of the writing for you- so all you have to do is personalize the intro and the conclusion- and just edit the text with any minor changes reflective of your state’s particular laws- The whole process won’t take you more than a few hours, tops- But you will have a book that is YOURS- and that you can use right away!

PILMMA’s Done-for-You books contain plain English- easy to understand and Persuasive writing- They answer questions most clients wonder about- and they address the fear factors that hold potential clients back .

There’s never been a better time- or an easier way to write that book you’ve always wanted to.

Call 1-800-497-1890 or email us at info@pilmma.org

Examples of our books’ front and back covers customized with individual author info.
frontback motocyclecompensation
frontback 7fatalmistakes
Below are the types of books we have for licensing and their front covers.
2 styles 11 secrets
2styles 5mistakes
2 styles nursing home
2styles 9commonmistakes


Call 1-800-497-1890 or email us at info@pilmma.org

Call: 1-800-497-1890

Email: info@pilmma.org 

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